Wiz Text or HTML Widget is a simple widget that allows you to insert any arbitrary Text/HTML or Shortcodes to any widget locations. Navigate to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets > Wiz Text or HTML Widget.

This is feature available with Wiz Addons plugin. To use this feature, you need to have Wiz WordPress Theme along with the Wiz Addons installed on your website.
To enable Wiz WordPress extra widgets, please navigate to WP Dashboard > Wiz > Customizer & Page Options > enable Extra Widgets option. Please refer to Extra Widgets Addon article for more information.
Use the widget to insert text or HTML content to any widget location, you can find it very useful in inserting about us brief for example in sidebar.

You can configure Wiz Text or HTML Widget by clicking on the triangle on the right side. It will open the widget configuration options.
- Title: Type widget title that is shown on the front page.
- Text, Shortcodes or Html code: Insert your text, shortcodes or HTML code, so it will be visible at the front page.
- Center Content: Center widget content on front page by enabling this option.